I had never seen this before so thanks to him or her for this answer. User3964075 provided the answer in the comments. However it would be cleaner & more efficient to have a proper notation for it. P-S: Of course I can other things like increment the whole thing, than search & replace the range with say tChoice replaced by tChoice. Is there a dollar sign equivalent for structured table references? This is equivalent to writing, say, A:A (which would auto-increment to B:B, C:C, etc) and $A:$A (which would not). the column to look for a match based on the raw table data. I actually want the to auto-increment as I apply formulas in cells to the left (so I cycle through all the columns of the raw data), however I DON'T want the column tChoice to change: e.g.
tChoice is a smaller table (just a few columns), I basically want to look up into tChoice the raw data value & return a label based on that (to value-label table is tChoice). Say I have this formula: tData is a table full of raw data (many columns), taken from surveys (so each column is Survey question, more or less). I'm basically looking for a $A:$A equivalent for structured table references in Excel.